Dr Tanmay Chaudhary with the Stalwart of Knee Meniscus Transplant Dr René Verdonk,Belgium himself
Feels awesome to meet such a great surgeon, still a very humble thorough gentleman.
Team IASCON 2019 had invited him to be our guest faculty at IASCON 2019 Indore ( 18th Annual Conference of Indian Arthroscopy Society)
He spoke on one the major cuse of knee pain i.e. meniscus tear, Meniscus Repair & Transplant & future of meniscus injuries & it’s treatment via arthroscopy (knee Arthroscopy) at Indore, India.
He delivered the 1st Presidential Oration of IAS on ‘Journey of Meniscus : from punching it to printing it’.
#iascon #iascon2019 #iasconindore #arthroscopy #arthroscopyindore #arthroscopyindia #meniscus #meniscustear #meniscusrepair #meniscustransplant #kneearthroscopy #kneepain #kneesurgery #kneespecialist #drtanmaychaudhary